Jester Marching Concepts



            In this age of highly competitive marching pagentry, it can be difficult to find time to sit down and create a show that will make your band stand out to the audience and judges. 
            You can choose then to hire someone to write your show.  There are a lot of drill writers out there and it can be tough to decide which one to go with, especially with your band's marching season on the line. 
            But it can be a gamble.  When everything is said and done, you might end up with an inferior product.  Or you might have a show that looks like what everyone else is doing.
            This is where Jester Marching Concepts (JMC) comes in.  JMC prides itself on the artistic quality, the consistency, and the originality of the shows that are designed.  JMC can help your band stand out the way that you want it to.
            It is the combination of experience and creativity that allows not only for a visually pleasing show, but one that is also reasonable within the strengths and weaknesses of each group. 
            The end result will be that you will have a show that you, the band members, and the audience can enjoy and remember for a long time.
           The JMC guarantee includes:

·        That JMC will work with you and your staff to create a show that will fit within the parameters of your band's ability.  In addition, your creative input will be added so that your show is truly your show.


·        That JMC does not do ready-made package shows or give you a show that is recycled from a previous client.  Every show that is written is a unique piece of outdoor pageantry art that is taylor-made for each JMC client.


·        That JMC shows are not cookie cutter shows that will make you look like every other band.  Your band will have a show that will be different and stand out.


·        That each JMC drill is written with considerations to individual level, staging, transitions (including color guard), and music.


·        JMC shows are not just putting dots on paper and doing moves just for the sake of doing them.  JMC shows are a careful coordination of visual to music.  The goal is to create a total package where every musical phrase, drill shape, and body movement creates a unified work of art.

2008 JMC LLC